Don't burn this

Kentucky's congresssional delegation made its position clear on nerve gas incineration sent a letter of support to the state's Citizen's Advisory Commission, which has promoted alternatives, after extensive study.

With an amendment to the current 2002-03 defense appropriations bill introduced by Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Depot may not have the choice of how to dispose of the 500 tons of chemical weapons. If a method other than incineration is elected, the Depot's power of choice could be stripped away.

Busy Bees

Although sometimes we wonder what ever gets accomplished in Frankfort, the Kentucky legislature was busy (even if the budget was and remains, a joke), enacting more than 300 pieces of legislation. Of note was the passage of House Bill 350, which maintains the certification of Kentucky's organic farms under the Kentucky Organic Certification Program.

Senate Bill 13 also encourages the sale of Kentucky grown agriculture to state government and public agencies. This bill will establish a pilot project with the state Parks Department for purchase of horticulture products.

Check out for more.

Where's Sparky?

A petition to commute the death sentence of Kevin Stanford is before Kentucky's Governor, Paul Patton. You can download a pdf of the petition form and find more information about the case at The forms can be sent to Stanford's attorney if you are so inclined.

Pray for us

Thursday, July 18, from 5:30-6:00 pm Interfaith Prayer Vigil for Peace, at Triangle Park and Sunday, July 21, at 2:00 pm there will be a PEACE Coalition Meeting, at the Central Library downtown.

Road closed ahead

For those of you who planned on circumventing the traffic mess on Nicholasville Road by shooting through Rosemont Garden, well those plans are going to have to change. But only for a couple of days. Two of the railroads crossings will be reworked for repairs.The road will be closed to through-traffic between 9 am and 9 pm Tuesday, July 23 and Wednesday, July 24. Suggested detour around Rosemont is Southland Drive. The Waller Avenue closing isn't until August 6th and 7th.

Commuters who enter the city on Tates Creek, then High, can still enjoy the agonizing traffic jams in front of the post office, as construction conveniently proceeds throughout morning rush hour.

I'm going ta school

Those who have paid close attention to the topic of school vouchers applauded when the Supreme Court upheld the school voucher program in Cleveland, and many foresaw the same occurring here in Kentucky.

Not so fast.

In order for a similar type of voucher program to be instituted in Kentucky, the Kentucky Constitution would need to be amended before public money could be used to help pay for private and parochial schools.

The Kentucky Constitution states that all state school money has to be spent only on public schools.

An amendment to the constitution, would require a statewide ballot on the voucher issue and be subject to approval by a majority of voters. Other hurdles to vouchers is resistance from the Kentucky Education Association, which helped defeat two bills in 1998 and 2000 that could have given tax credits to parents who send their children to private school.

To submit an advocacy/activism activity or event for Quickies, email, or


One Last Word on
Knee-Jerk Allegiance
By Will Durst

99-0. That my friends is the final vote upon which our honorable US Senatorial Representatives came out in favor of the inclusion of the word "God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. 99-0.

We can't get that kind of consensus on Clean Air. 99-0.

Yep, and thanks to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, (planted in the fertilest bowels of San Francisco's Hippie Dippie Valley, right next to the Commie Commune) the most dangerous place for small children this past 4th of July was not on a picnic blanket sharing the same barge as a first time drunken one-armed replacement fireworks shooter-offer, but on a parade route between a politician and the nearest flag. And those who failed to have themselves photographed wrapped in multiple folds of red, white, and blue cotton muslin were busy knocking down old folks and cripples in their rush for those choice aisle seats in the front pew. Any front pew. You know, where the zoom lenses can freeze the candid tear rolling halfway down the sincere cheek.

It was the equivalent of a political primer Trifecta: God, the Flag, and the 4th of July. These aren't third rails, these are the generators that provide the power for the third rails. You don't get this one right, you might want to check into recent vacancies at various sheep insemination plants hereabouts. I have the craigslist's URL around here somewhere.

People, don't get me wrong, I totally understand this is the first birthday of our country since the tragic events of September 11, but for Crum's sake, everybody quit twitching and settle down. We're in danger of drowning in a sea of knee jerk patriotism. It's shooting out of us like tricolored projectile vomit. We might need those colors someday, don't wear them out.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. You know what, the court was right. The word "God" has never had any business in the Pledge of Allegiance. It didn't rear its cheap sentimental head until the Red Scare of '54 and it should be banished to Jerry Falwell's pulpit faster than you can say "cheap political ploy in an election year, I'm shocked." Go ahead, swivel around all hunched over ferretlike and laser me tauntingly, "Well, excuse me Mr. Strict Constitutionalist, why don't we just take the word 'God' off our money and out of our court system as well then."

Okay. Let's.

Which part of the separation of Church and State do you people not understand? Grab your feel good jollie rocks from somewhere else and keep your grubby mitts out of my Constitutional cupboard. 99-0. Amazing. Like to see the Senate reach the same consensus on waking Jesse Helms by using a ceremonial gavel across the forehead.