Home Ace Issues News Briefs 01.01.2003

News Briefs 01.01.2003

New Year, New Faces

Ace is adding a banner crop of contributing columnists to its pages in 2003. Among them, are this week’s addition, Seeing Green, by Hilary Lambert (on local/regional environmental issues). Frank X Walker will be contributing a monthly column, Affrilachia, which will include, but not be limited to local African American issues. We’re also adding new local food, theater, and visual arts critics to the roster, whose bylines you’ll see in coming issues. (To be considered as a contributing writer on local topics, please submit queries to editor@aceweekly.com.)


On Holiday

LFUCG offices will be closed on January 1st. Offices in LFUCG include, Parks & Recreation, LexCALL, Public information, and Streets and Roads.

Should your trash collection day fall on the holiday, there will only be one collection day for the week.

Extended Electronics

January 2nd through January 10th, from 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday.




Now that Christmas has past, it’s time to take down the lights off of the house. Just as well, it’s time to dispose of that Christmas tree. To dispose of the tree, just place it on the curb for collection. But be sure to remove everything from the tree, even those pieces of tinsel. Also, you can get rid of dead poinsettias, wreaths (without wire), mantle decorations (such as pine cones) by placing them in your Lenny waste cart.Free TreesBeing that the new year is here, why not plant a tree. By joining the national Arbor Day Foundation thi January, you will receive 10 trees in all. The array of trees include 2 white flowering dogwoods, 2 flowering crabapples, 2 goldenrain trees, 2 Washington Hawthorns, and 2 American Redbuds. Incidentally, on January 10th and January 11th, there will be a mulch giveaway at the recycling center located on Haley Pike, from 8am to 3:30pm. Novice green thumbs can look at the Ace archives online for tips on planting trees.