More on telezapping

Alert reader Bruce Williams wrote in to pass along this URL, which is the best way for signing up for the no-call list via the Attorney General.

Heads up

In response to overwhelming reader outrage, we helpfully pass along this information from the city (which might have been more helpful, had it been received last week): ATTENTION: YOUR CAR MIGHT BE TOWED. On Thursday, March 21, the streets of the 400 block of Martin Luther King-between 4th and 5th streets-will be cleaned. Sidewalks, curbs, and the little grass strip between the two will be cleaned. A couple of tree stumps will be removed, and the holes filled and covered over. Then workers will sweep the streets. The Urban County Government Division of Streets and Roads will post notices for each home along these streets. The rain date is Friday, March 22. If you live in this area, be sure to move your car Thursday morning . . . or it will be moved for you.

Organizers seek volunteers

The Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center is beginning to plan for the 2002 Take Back the Night Rally and March. They are looking for interested individuals and organizations to help with the project. Take Back the Night started in Germany in 1973 by women who were fed up with violence against women (sexual assault and domestic violence), and banded together to speak out. San Francisco held this country's first Take Back the Night Rally in 1978. Lexingtonians joined the fight in 1989. Last year's rally was joined by organizations such as the Cabinet for Families and Children, Center for Women, Children, and Families, Chrysalis House, Office of the Fayette County Sheriff, and YWCA Spouse Abuse Center. If you or your organization would like more information on how to become involved with this year's Take Back the Night Rally, contact the Bluegrass Rape and Crisis Center, at 253-2615.